Journal Articles

September 2023
Development of a core outcome set for ventilation trials in neurocritical care patients with acute brain injury: protocol for a Delphi consensus study of international stakeholders file.pdf

December 2022
Predicting Intensive Care Delirium with Machine Learning: Model Development and External Validation file.pdf

November 2022
A Method to Explore Variations of Ventilator-Associated Event Surveillance Definitions in Large Critical Care Databases in the United States file.pdf

March 2022
Endotypes and the Path to Precision in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury file.pdf

February 2022
Predicting Respiratory Decompensation in Mechanically Ventilated Adult ICU Patients file.pdf

January 2022
Computational signatures for post-cardiac arrest trajectory prediction: Importance of early physiological time series file.pdf

December 2021
Decoding accelerometry for classification and prediction of critically ill patients with severe brain injury file.pdf

November 2021
Analysis of Discrepancies Between Pulse Oximetry and Arterial Oxygen Saturation Measurements by Race and Ethnicity and Association With Organ Dysfunction and Mortality file.pdf

October 2021
Digital signatures for early traumatic brain injury outcome prediction in the intensive care unit file.pdf

February 2021
Updated nomenclature of delirium and acute encephalopathy: statement of ten Societies file.pdf

August 2020
The Curing Coma Campaign: Framing Initial Scientific Challenges-Proceedings of the First Curing Coma Campaign Scientific Advisory Council Meeting file.pdf

September 2020
Postcardiac arrest neurological prognostication with quantitative regional cerebral densitometry file.pdf

November 2020
Mechanical ventilation in patients with acute brain injury: recommendations of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine consensus file.pdf

December 2020
Novel approaches to prediction in severe brain injury file.pdf


NCS 2021

Computational Prediction of Targeted Temperature Management Outcome for Personalized Cardiac Arrest Treatment file.pdf
Exposure to non-lung protective mechanical ventilation is associated with outcome in critically ill patients with acute brain injury: a machine learning approach file.pdf

ESICM 2021

A Computational Model to Predict Hospital Readmission file.pdf
Hyperacute prediction of targeted temperature management outcome after cardiac arrest: a computational approach file.pdf
A Machine Learning Model for Pulmonary Embolism Prediction Using a Large Multi-Center Database file.pdf


Development and Validation of a Physiology-Driven Machine Learning Model for Post-Cardiac Arrest Outcome Prediction Using a Large Multi-Center Database file.pdf
A computational model to predict successful liberation from mechanical ventilation in ICU patients file.pdf
Computational Endotypes of Sepsis and Septic Shock Derived from High Resolution Patient Records file.pdf
Computational Subphenotype Discovery and Validation of ICU Stratum Traumatic Brain Injury Patients file.pdf
A Physiology-Driven Machine Learning Model for Traumatic Brain Injury Outcome Prediction Using a Large Multi-Center Database file.pdf
