Internal Grants

IDIES Seed And Fellowship Awardees (2022)

Development of an Artificial intelligence System for Phenotyping of Patients with Acute Stroke
PI: Rama Chellappa, PhD (Bloomberg Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering) Co-I: Robert D. Stevens, MD

Johns Hopkins Discovery Award (2022)

Development of an Artificial Intelligence System for Phenotyping of Patients with Acute Stroke
PIs – Rama Chellappa PhD (Engineering) & Robert Stevens MD (Medicine)

Johns Hopkins ICTR ATIP Grant (2021)

To study computational subphenotype of Traumatic Brain Injury

Johns Hopkins ACCM StAAR Award (2020)

Computational Signatures for Traumatic Brain Injury Prediction and Classification

Johns Hopkins Discovery Award (2019)

Cardiac Arrest Subphenotype Discovery Using a Very Large Intensive Care Database

External Grants