Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Laboratory of Computational Intensive Care Medicine

The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore MD

Mission Statement

The Johns Hopkins Laboratory of Computational Intensive Care Medicine (LCICM) has been established to gain knowledge on the mechanisms of critical illness and injury, with the aim of identifying novel methods to treat patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Members of the lab apply mathematical and statistical models, artificial intelligence, and domain expertise to unravel patterns in data from sources such as electronic health records, high-frequency physiological recordings, and medical imaging. These patterns are resolved into health signatures that can be leveraged for classification and prediction. The overarching goal is to enhance the precision, efficacy, and outcomes of care delivered to critically ill patients.

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Undergraduate BME Design Team led by Dr. Stevens and their project "ICPredict" has been featured on the JHU HUB website.


Jooyoung Ryu and his work "Machine Learning Identification of Stress Cardiomyopathy in Patients Admitted to Intensive Care", received the 2024 Summer Provost’s Undergraduate Research (PURA) Award. His work was also featured on the JHU CS website.

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